
Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

To Positively Impact Millions of Lives

We make  Cryptocurrency wealth building achievable and fun for families.

Sound Money Mentors

Education that can change what’s now into what’s next.

They don’t teach wealth in school.  WTU delivers the wealth education and training you never received in school at any level.  WTU teaches how to build wealth on a budget and a whole lot more. The problem is standard financial advice is not good advice as evidenced by the ever-growing wealth gap in America.  Being perfectly honest, today’s financial advice is obsolete. In fact, it’s bad advice for families that desire to build wealth.

We’ve been told the formula for success is to work hard, save money, get out of debt, live below your means, fix your credit, contribute the max to your 401k or 403B and invest in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds.  It’s what they don’t tell you that really matters.

The video on the right featuring “Rich Dad” author Robert Kyiosaki shares the challenge of getting the incorrect information we have been taught about wealth. WTU is created to provide the correct information that leads to wealth for individuals and families.

“We have a wealth of knowledge in the world, but too little knowledge of wealth. ”  D.R. Lewis


  • We team up with members who are on the wrong end of the wealth gap.  We are “Wealth Gap Warriors” teaching proven wealth strategies and we invite you to JOIN US.

    “ Learn how to take home more of the income you earn.”
    ” Learn how to increase year end tax return at the same time.”

    “You worked for income, learn to put income to work for you.”
    “Learn how to convert income to assets rather than savings.”

    “To earn more, you must learn more about the power of the internet and attraction marketing.”
    “Learn to use the internet and social media to increase your income from owning a business.”



“It takes leaders with a vision to lead the people with a dream.”   The problem – standard financial advice given to the people is not good advice as evidenced by the ever-growing wealth gap in America.  Being perfectly honest, today’s financial advice is obsolete. In fact, it’s bad advice for families that desire to build wealth.

We’ve been told the formula for success is to work hard, save money, get out of debt, live below your means, fix your credit, contribute the max to your 401k or 403B and invest in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds.  It’s what they don’t tell you that really matters. They don’t teach wealth in school. WTU will teach you the reason why and how to build wealth on a budget and a whole lot more.


WTU education and training is focused on building financial muscle by raising your “Financial I.Q.” – “Wealth I.Q.” and “Social Commerce I.Q.” You will learn wealth strategies and the “Stair Steps to Wealth” to build a legacy of financial independence for you and your family.

The ultimate goal and desired result is to give you all that you need to acquire wealth for you and your family using the resources you currently have at your disposal. You’ll get the wealth education y0u need but never received in high school, college or in life when you become a member of WTU.
“You can be surprised once, after that, you are unprepared.”  T Hubbard

If you’re like many families on the wrong side of the wealth gap crisis in America – you need a solution.  When was the last time you had a Life check up?  a Wealth check-up? or a Paycheck Check up offered by WTU?  What’s are these check ups you ask? It starts by asking yourself some basic questions that are worth your time to consider. 

  • Question 1. Are your happy?
  • Question 2. How are your results?
  • Question 3. Do you think your formal education is enough?

WUT next level education:

If you have room for improvement in any of these areas of your life – happiness – results – success, financial stability or wealth there are three key things necessary on your part to make change happen.

  1. First, you must be open to learning a new way of doing things
  2. Second, you must get the education and training you need to be more successful
  3. Third, you must capture a system to apply what you’ve learned to change your results.

If you are open to these three ways to improve your life, Wealth Team University (“WTU”) is ready to team up with you.
WTU delivers the answer and the solutions to these questions in one accessible place. 
Best selling author Robert Kiyosaki wrote: “Crisis is change screaming to occur.” 

WTU is an education and training platform is structured to teach you the things you need to know about money and wealth that you were never taught to you in school. These are the very things that may be holding you back.  When you know better you can do better.

We offer a range of education and training packages that contribute to the ability of our members to acquire wealth manage, control and preserve wealth.

  • Enjoy sitting in a room with a trainer and having the opportunity for discussion with other learners? We offer it.
  • Enjoy e-learning packages or learning in a live webinar session? We have “online” education.
  • Do you prefer to study on your own and at your own speed? We offer “on demand” education.SUCCESS REQUIRES YOUR 100% COMMITMENT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Your life will not be the same after you complete our education and training. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get all of benefits a WTU education delivers please contact us today. To become a member of WTU and start your next level education all you have to do is complete the admission form on this site and we will notify you at the start of our very next class.

Enrollment is free of charge and you will receive a certificate of graduation at the completion of the program. We’ll tell you how – you tell us what – you tell us when and together we will determine where.   Space is limited so submit your application for admission today!

“We have a wealth of knowledge in the world, but too little knowledge of wealth. ”  D.R. Lewis




Today’s University News

Covering topics of money, finance, assets, liabilities, wealth, social commerce and events.

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